Water Clean manufactures it's own proprietary coagulant DuoClean™.

DuoClean treated food effluent-check the clarity. Picture shows DAF plant and the AquaMatic autosampler tube.

DuoClean™ is a unique product in several ways:

DuoClean™ is bi-modal in action

DuoClean™ produces 30-40% less sludge than ferric sulphate

DuoClean™ is most effective in the neutral pH range

DuoClean™ cleans water better than most coagulants, in most applications consistently and reliably.

Our current production capacity for DuoClean™ is approximately 15,000 MT-if you want to try your application on DuoClean™ and have reliable compliance all of the time for less cost please get in touch.

Water Clean also supplies

Ferric Chloride

Ferric Sulphate


Aluminium Sulphate

TanClean™-natural tannin coagulant